    HomeNewsThe EU Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief on mission...

    The EU Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief on mission in Pakistan

    The EU Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Mr Frans van Daele, is on the eve of carrying out a fact-finding mission in Pakistan. The dates announced two months ago were 8-11 September and it was quite recently confirmed that he would be in Islamabad this week. At this stage, it is not known who will be his interlocutors as there was no official announcement about his mission, his program and his objectives.

    However, it can be expected that he will raise a number of issues concerning the egregious human rights violations particularly affecting local religious minorities and it is to be hoped that he will collect useful and concrete information for the European Commission…


    To read full article please visit this link of The European Times.

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