    HomeDevelopmentNurturing Education and Providing Hope for a Future Generation -

    Nurturing Education and Providing Hope for a Future Generation –

    Due to the gracious contribution from the UEFA Foundation for Children, Action for Development, was able to secure an extra year of funding, allowing us to sustain the operation of our project “schools for street-working children”. Our schools provide lessons, lessons in physical activities and nutritional meals (often constituting the only meal children receive that day). With these schools, we aim to facilitate the integration of the students into the formal education system. For those unable to integrate the formal educational setting, we provide them with vocational training and skills which will later enable them to have a means of generating income.

    We recently interviewed Mursal, a 10-year-old student benefiting from our project and attending one of our schools. When asked about the financial situation of her family and the reason she works on the streets she simply stated: “it’s bad, I sell bags on the streets in order to earn some money and provide food for my family”. At the school, “Blestakan (jumping), football and ping-pong” are among some of her favourite physical activities. Football training is a fantastic way to enhance their soft skills including teamwork, mutual respect, determination and commitment. As of December 2022, the total number of students participating in the football training was 139 but the current situation is making it difficult to continue the activity. Despite the current humanitarian crisis, Mursal hopes to graduate from our school and later from university, so she can become a doctor. Our schools aim to educate this future generation and provide a sense of hope and normality in a bleak time.

    DSC 9959She ends the interview stating, “thank you so much for establishing this school so we can continue our education”. Mursal is just one of the 319 girls and 606 students who benefit from our educational programs. We have also launched four home-schooling classes for girls above the ages of 12 years which has attracted 150 students.

    We are thrilled to provide a positive impact to these children and young people thanks to foundations like EUFA.

    We acknowledge Source link for the information.

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