    HomePoliticsMembers of Parliament’s committees and subcommittees | News

    Members of Parliament’s committees and subcommittees | News

    Following Wednesday’s decision by plenary on the structure and size of Parliament’s standing committees and subcommittees, the political groups and the non-attached members appointed the MEPs assigned to each of them.

    Find the list of all EP committees and subcommittees and the list of their members on their respective homepages.

    Rules on the composition of committees

    According to Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, the composition of its committees (including subcommittees) should as far as possible reflect the composition of Parliament as a whole – see Rules 216 and 218.

    Committees’ constitutive sessions

    All committees will hold their constitutive meetings on Tuesday 23 July, when they will elect their Chairs and Vice-Chairs.


    Each committee’s responsibilities are set out in Annex VI of the Rules of Procedure. During the previous legislative period, Parliament approved structural reforms for a more modern and efficient Parliament, changing the way committees and delegations handle their respective duties.

    Committees meet in public (unless the rules dictate otherwise). Their work revolves around drawing up, amending, and voting on legislative proposals and own-initiative reports, as well as holding debates with Council and Commission representatives, hearings with external experts, and organising fact-finding missions. They will play a crucial role in the upcoming hearings of Commissioners-designate. Parliament can set up sub-committees and special temporary committees to deal with specific issues, and may also create committees of inquiry to investigate allegations of maladministration of EU law. The Conference of Committee Chairs coordinates their work.


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