    HomePoliticsOpening: 11-14 December plenary session | News

    Opening: 11-14 December plenary session | News

    Five years since Strasbourg terrorist attack

    Today marks five years since the horrific terror attack in Strasbourg that claimed the lives of five innocent people and left dozens more injured, said President Metsola. Among the victims were two journalists working for Europhonica, Barto Pedro Orent-Niedzielski from Poland and Antonio Megalizzi from Italy. For their work in promoting Parliament’s initiatives and for their heroism in successfully preventing the attacker from entering a place full of people in the centre of Strasbourg during the attack, they will always be remembered in this House and beyond, she added.

    Lithuanian Freedom Prize

    On 23 November, the Lithuanian Parliament awarded the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize. Since 2011, this freedom prize has been awarded to those who significantly contribute to the defence of human rights and the promotion of international cooperation in eastern and central Europe. The European Parliament will live up to the responsibility and the legacy of this prize, said President Metsola, thanking the Lithuanian Parliament for this honour.

    Death of Michèle Rivasi

    Remembering MEP Michèle Rivasi, who died on 29 November 2023, President Metsola said she was a tireless fighter for the environment in civil society, the French Parliament and the European Parliament, where she strove also for the protection of health and all Europeans. Offering her condolences to her family, the French Parliament and the Greens political group, President Metsola led MEPs in observing a minute of silence to remember her.

    Changes to the agenda


    The report by Ms Peter-Hansen on the Role of tax policy in times of crisis will be debated as the second point, whereas the report by Mr Bogovič on Small modular reactors as the third point on the agenda.

    The report by Mr Bernhuber on Foodstuffs for human consumption: amending certain ‘Breakfast’ Directives (short presentation) will replace the report by Ms Mazurek on Implementation of the 2018 Geo-blocking Regulation in the digital single market (short presentation), the latter being moved directly to the votes on Wednesday.


    A VPC/HR Statement on the Attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala (with resolution, to be put to a vote on Thursday) is added as the third point in the afternoon.

    A VPC/HR Statement on the Situation in Venezuela (without resolution) is added as the fifth point.

    As a consequence, the sitting is extended to 23:00.


    The debate on the report by Ms Maite Pagazaurtundúa on Extending the list of EU crimes to hate speech and hate crime is postponed to the January part-session.

    Council and Commission statements on One year after Morocco and QatarGate – stocktaking of measures to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions are added as the second point in the afternoon.


    Deadlines for amendments will be open for the report by Mr Robert Hajšel on European Hydrogen Bank included in the votes on Thursday.

    Commission and Council statements on Ensuring proper functioning of EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes (without resolution) are added as the second point in the morning.

    Requests by several committees to start negotiations with Council and Commission

    Decisions by committees to enter into inter-institutional negotiations (Rule 71) are published on the plenary website.

    If no request for a vote in Parliament on the decision to enter into negotiations is made by Tuesday 12.00 midnight, the committees may start negotiations.

    Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

    Outgoing MEPs

    Michèle Rivasi (Greens/EFA, France) as of 29 November 2023

    Sira Rego (The Left, Spain) as of 20 November 2023

    Ernest Urtasun (Greens/EFA, Spain) as of 20 November 2023

    Incoming MEPs

    Patricia Caro Maya (The Left, Spain) as of 30 November 2023

    Rafał Romanowski (ECR, Poland) as of 29 November 2023

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