    HomeNewsEducation Crisis in Morocco: The Responsibility of Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch in...

    Education Crisis in Morocco: The Responsibility of Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch in Question

    The ongoing crisis in Morocco’s education sector raises concerns about the devastating consequences that could result from current management. After years of observing the failure of the Moroccan education system, the confidence of the majority of citizens seems to have eroded, which raises questions about the responsibility of the government led by Aziz Akhannouch, current Prime Minister and businessman with billionaire connections.

    Reports, whether international or national, continue to highlight the alarming situation of education in Morocco. According to a study by Bank al-Maghrib, the illiteracy rate in Morocco reaches 32.4%, highlighting the persistent shortcomings of the education system. Additionally, 67% of Moroccan children fail to correctly answer a single reading comprehension question, revealing a deep crisis in the acquisition of fundamental skills.

    In this context, the responsibility of the government, led by a businessman and Prime Minister, Aziz Akhannouch, becomes a subject of concern, particularly because of its role in defining policies and budgetary allocations. Statistics from the Ministry of National Education show that the share of the budget allocated to education remains below international recommendations, not exceeding 5.5% of GDP in 2006.

    The scarcity of financial resources allocated to education, as highlighted in a UNESCO study, highlights political choices that can negatively influence the education sector. As Prime Minister and a major player in the government, the responsibility of Aziz Akhannouch and his government team in the educational crisis is indisputable. Policy decisions, including administrative centralization and lack of support in rural areas, contribute to worsening educational disparities.

    It is imperative that the government, under the leadership of Aziz Akhannouch, takes its share of responsibility for the education crisis by recognizing the existing shortcomings and taking concrete steps to reform the system. This involves a review of fiscal policies, structural reforms and a commitment to quality education for all Moroccan citizens. In short, government responsibility in this educational crisis cannot be ignored, and significant actions are necessary to guarantee a more promising educational future for Moroccan youth.

    The strikers, demanding the annulment of all decisions and disciplinary sanctions linked to their militant activities, firmly reject the statute, both in its form and in its content. Their appeal also includes a pressing demand for increased wages and pensions. Unfortunately, this situation has harmful consequences on students, who suffer the repercussions of this conflict.

    In the shadow of this persistent educational crisis, the responsibility of the government, embodied by Aziz Akhannouch, prime minister and billionaire businessman, is highlighted. The need for profound reforms in the Moroccan education system is becoming imperative to ensure a more promising educational future for the country’s youth.

    I remind you that the government and its Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch had promised to create a million jobs and lift a million families out of poverty. The government majority parties had also promised to increase teachers’ salaries to 7,500 dirhams at the start of their careers, with an increase of around $300, as well as to increase the salaries of workers in the health sector.

    After an inflation of intentions and promises, we live today in a worrying silence, with a government that speaks neither about the fight against corruption nor about tax reform.

    Published originally at Almouwatin part of the BXL Media Group.

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