    HomeNewsLibya: ICRC Activities in 2022

    Libya: ICRC Activities in 2022

    Nonetheless, while the 2020 ceasefire agreement between former belligerents continued to hold, it was pockmarked by a number of sporadic clashes mainly in Tripoli, the most severe one being in August of 2022.

    Still, the consequences of years of armed conflict continued to linger; access to basic services such as healthcare, water, and electricity remain scarce, the presence of unexploded ordinances in many urban areas poses risks to life and limb, and the unknown fate of many missing still bears
    heavily on families. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), in partnership with the Libya Red Crescent Society (LRCS), continued implementing joint activities to deliver needed assistance and protection responses to conflict-affected communities.


    Know more about ICRC activities in Libya 2022 in the full report.

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