    HomeNewsPersecution of Ahmadiyyas continues in Pakistan

    Persecution of Ahmadiyyas continues in Pakistan

    The Minarets of a mosque demolished this August 6, 2023, in the village 168 Murad, Dahran Wala, Bahawal Nagar district. Ahmadiyya is a Muslim religious movement that was founded in India in the 19th century by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. However, it is important to note that the Ahmadiyya is considered to be a controversial group in some Muslim-majority countries, including Pakistan.

    In Pakistan, Ahmadis have been subjected to discrimination and persecution for many years. In 1974, the Pakistani Constitution was amended to declare Ahmadis non-Muslims.

    This declaration had major consequences, including the banning of Ahmadis from presenting themselves as Muslims, from using Islamic symbols or from practising their faith openly.

    Ahmadis in Pakistan have been victims of violence, social discrimination, attacks on their places of worship and restrictions on their fundamental rights. These persecutions are often linked to differences in theological interpretation and religious tensions within Pakistani society.

    It should be noted that opinions on the Ahmadiyya vary across the Muslim world and that the situation and attitudes towards this group may differ from country to country.

    Unfortunately, the situation of Ahmadis in Pakistan is complex and marked by discrimination and persecution. Although each country has its own policies and laws regarding religious minorities, it is true that Ahmadis do not receive adequate protection from the Pakistani state.

    Indeed, Pakistan’s laws and policies have restricted the fundamental rights of Ahmadis, depriving them of their freedom of religion, expression and practising their faith openly. Ahmadis face systematic discrimination in various aspects of daily life, including education, employment, marriage and voting rights.

    Moreover, the Ahmadis have been victims of violence, attacks on their places of worship and individual persecution. Unfortunately, the Pakistani state has failed to provide adequate protection to this religious minority and has not taken sufficient steps to address these human rights violations.

    It is important to note that the rights of religious minorities are a complex issue and may vary from country to country. International human rights organizations continue to advocate for the protection of the rights of Ahmadis and other religious minorities in Pakistan.

    Published originally at Almouwatin part of the BXL Media Group.

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