    HomeNewsArmenia: Finding strength through helping others

    Armenia: Finding strength through helping others

    She recalls feeling hesitant about sharing her own story the first time a participant in one of the psychosocial support sessions asked her how she had managed to deal with her struggles. But she eventually decided to share her story, including the initial uncertainty and fear she experienced when her husband was reported missing for two months and the ensuing grief after finding out that he was never coming back.

    Over time, Lana discovered that sharing her story and experiences often helped the families of missing people process and cope with the uncertainties of not knowing what happened to their loved ones. Slowly, the people she worked with also started to open up and share their stories of loss and despair. Through these support sessions, they were able to find a safe space where they felt comfortable and realized that they were not alone in their struggles.

    Lana continues to believe in the importance of living life with a purpose and empathy even in the face of harsh realities and terrible personal suffering. 

    “When you help someone, it’s not just a one-way action,” she noted. “An exchange happens. You give a part of yourself, and, in return, you receive hope, strength and maybe even a bit of healing.”

    The Accompaniment Programme, which was launched at the end of 2022 and implemented across Armenia, continues to help the families of missing people overcome the various emotional, social, economic, legal and administrative challenges. The programme brings together people with similar experiences and supports them through mental health and psychosocial support sessions, awareness-raising sessions regarding their rights and enhanced access to essential services.

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