    HomeNewsEurope Day 2024: European institutions welcome citizens to their Open Day events...

    Europe Day 2024: European institutions welcome citizens to their Open Day events | News

    On the occasion of Europe Day, citizens will have the opportunity to visit all the EU institutions in Brussels and beyond, learning more about what Europe does for and with them.

    European Parliament

    The Europe Day event in the European Parliament on 4 May will start with an opening ceremony with Vice-President Marc Angel (S&D, LU). The day will continue with activities for all ages, with info stands and short sessions on fight against disinformation, women in politics and campaigning for the elections. Citizens will be invited to learn how to vote in the European elections, why voting matters, and how to make a difference in protecting democracy. There will be guided tours of the VOTE exhibition (Parlamentarium) in Brussels. See the full programme here and the events organised in the 27 EU countries here.

    Council of the European Union

    On 4 May, at the Council in Brussels, visitors will have the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of EU leaders. Guided tours will be organised throughout the day, without prior registration, allowing citizens to explore also the architecture of the Council buildings. Younger visitors will enjoy a series of dedicated animations including a treasure hunt. Each of the 27 Member States will have a stand putting on display national traditions, food specialities and touristic attractions. Visitors will be able to discover these in an interactive manner and attend live performances. An exhibition will be dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the 2004 EU enlargement. More information available here.

    European Commission

    On 4 May, citizens are invited to visit the Berlaymont building. The Commission will give citizens the opportunity to learn about its role, explore thematic villages set up for the occasion and discover the history of the EU and our values. Visitors will have the chance to find out what the Commission does to defend our democracy, diversity and how we are building a more digital and greener future. A dedicated section will showcase our support to Ukraine. Special activities will highlight the 20th anniversary of the 2004 EU enlargement, 25 years of the euro and 30 years of the Single Market. The full programme is available here. The Representations in the Member States will also organise events.

    European Central Bank

    Citizens will have the chance to learn about the euro, the common currency of 20 EU countries, the digital euro project and what the ECB does to keep prices stable and banks safe and sound. On 4 May, citizens will be able to meet ECB experts at the European Commission in Brussels (more information here). Also that evening, the ECB will open its doors in Frankfurt to pre-registered visitors as part of the “Night of the Museums” initiative and on 9 May will join Frankfurt’s Europe Festival.

    European Court of Auditors

    On 9 May, EU auditors in Luxembourg will offer interactive engaging games, and a possibility for citizens to take a quiz to test their audit skills. Families and people of all ages will be able to learn how the Court helps to protect EU citizens’ money. Full programme here.

    European External Action Service

    Visitors to the European External Action Service are invited on 4 May to immerse themselves in the dynamic work of the EU diplomatic service in Brussels and around the world. They will engage in talks with EU ambassadors and learn about the EU’s role in promoting peace, human rights and sustainable development in the world. They will enjoy live music, dance performances, workshops and collect culinary inspirations from various places around the world. The immersive journey will be further enriched with screenings of diverse movies in the cinema room. Kids will be our special guests with a lot of fun activities, including a puppet show. Full programme here.

    European Economic and Social Committee

    The house of EU organised civil society will open its doors in Brussels on 4 May. The Committee members will engage in lively discussions with people and will hear their concerns. The programme of the day includes interactive games, an EU quiz, live music and activities for children. When visiting the EESC building, citizens will also be able to welcome EESC members and staff as they finish a cycling race to raise awareness on the European elections. Full agenda here.

    European Committee of the Regions

    The EU’s assembly of regions and cities will open its Brussels premises on 4 May to bring citizens together with regional and local elected politicians. Interactive stands and activities will offer the chance to get to know more about the Committee of the Regions’ role and commitment to narrowing the distance between the EU and its local communities. To mark the day – and the Committee’s 30th anniversary – there will be a festival of regions and cities with tastings, quiz games and a digital show, providing an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of our territories. More information here.

    European Investment Bank

    At the European Investment Bank’s stand for Europe Day in Brussels on 4 May and in Luxembourg on 9 May (see details here), visitors can explore the iconic projects financed by the Bank in their country. They may also discover EIB-funded initiatives such as local hospitals, transportation infrastructure like trains or metros, or flood barriers safeguarding their hometowns. They will be able to engage with EU-related information and participate in a quiz for a chance to win a prize!


    On 9 May, Europe commemorates the founding document of the EU – the Schuman Declaration. Signed on 9 May 1950, the declaration was the stepping-stone to cooperation in Europe, and peace on our continent. Europe Day is a symbol of the EU’s openness, transparency, democracy, and unity.

    This year’s Europe Day edition takes place 45 years after the first European elections in 1979, and shortly before the elections of 2024 that will take place between 6-9 June in all EU countries.


    First published in this link of The European Times.

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