    HomeNewsSikh Leader Honors French NGO CAP LC at European Parliament, for Advocacy...

    Sikh Leader Honors French NGO CAP LC at European Parliament, for Advocacy defending freedom of religion

    Brussels, Belgium – In a ceremony at the European Parliament on April 17th, according to an article published in Le Député, Thierry Valle, President of the French NGO Coordination of Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAP LC), received special recognition from the European Sikh community for his organization’s tireless efforts to defend their religious rights on the global stage.

    Binder Singh, President of the European Sikh Organization, presented Valle with an award during the Vaisakhi celebrations, praising CAP LC as “an essential partner” in amplifying Sikh voices and rallying international support for their cause.

    “Thanks to their unwavering support, we have been able to make our voice heard and mobilize the international community around protecting the Sikh identity,” Singh told attendees, which included representatives from the worldwide Sikh diaspora.

    CAP LC, a secular NGO accredited by the United Nations and other world bodies, has emerged as an outspoken advocate for the Sikh community in recent years. In 2019, they joined a Sikh NGO to condemn France’s ban on wearing the turban in schools at the UN Human Rights Council session.

    “CAP LC’s support has been invaluable in shining a spotlight on this discriminatory policy and garnering backing from human rights groups worldwide,” Singh stated. “Together, we created momentum for the right of Sikhs to freely practice their faith without government interference.”

    The NGO’s commitment extended well beyond the turban issue. When the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan in 2021, CAP LC urgently raised awareness about the peril facing religious minorities like Sikhs and Hindus under the new regime.

    “Their advocacy played a crucial role in the evacuation and protection of these vulnerable groups,” Singh said gratefully. “Hundreds were able to escape Taliban oppression as a direct result of CAP LC’s efforts.”

    At the celebration, representatives lauded CAP LC for consistently championing Sikh concerns at the UN Human Rights Council, ensuring the community’s struggles remain visible amid shifting global priorities.

    “CAP LC’s unwavering voice has been a true lifeline, compelling the international community to stay engaged on threats facing the Sikh diaspora worldwide and also in Europe,” Singh remarked. “We are immensely grateful for their support.”

    As religious minorities continue confronting persecution and discrimination in conflict zones and democratic nations alike, NGOs like CAP LC are emerging as indispensable human rights defenders.

    The Vaisakhi celebration, one of the main sacred holidays of the Sikh, were many issues were brought up to uphold the rights of this community in Europe and beyond, was organized by French Guadeloupean MEP Maxette Pirbakas, who has Hindu origins, highlighting the intersection of solidarity among religious communities.

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