    HomeNewsRussia-Ukraine international armed conflict: Your questions answered about ICRC’s work

    Russia-Ukraine international armed conflict: Your questions answered about ICRC’s work

    What are you doing in Ukraine?

    We have worked in Ukraine since 2014 and we have massively scaled up our presence and activities since 24 February 2022 to better support people affected by the international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine, who are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance including food, safe water, medicine, and shelter materials.

    ● We have nearly 800 staff including medical staff, weapons contamination specialists and other emergency team members currently working in Ukraine. The majority are Ukrainian colleagues who often suffer the consequences of the conflict themselves.

    ● We currently have teams across 8 locations in places including Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Poltava, Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Donetsk and Luhansk. From there, our teams are working with communities affected by the conflict in dozens of cities including along the frontlines.

    ● We operationalized a dedicated Bureau of the Central Tracing Agency on Ukraine to collect, centralize, and transmit information about the fate and whereabouts of people, both military and civilians deprived of their liberty, who have fallen in the hands of the enemy.

    ● We have also teams in Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Russia to support our regional response and coordinate with our partners from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

    ● In addition to stepping up our operational response on the ground, we continue our confidential dialogue with the parties on the conduct of hostilities as well as on the protection of the civilian population, reminding them of their obligations under international humanitarian law. In these conversations, we raise pressing humanitarian concerns, including access to POWs, the safe passage of civilians and the delivery of humanitarian assistance. Our aim is to alleviate suffering of people living through conflict.We have worked in Ukraine since 2014 and we have massively scaled up our presence and activities since 24 February 2022 to better support people affected by the international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine, who are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance including food, safe water, medicine, and shelter materials.

    Highlights of work done across Ukraine in 2023:

    320,000+ vulnerable people living in conflict-affected areas received food parcels to ensure minimum food security.

    ● 153,000+ marking materials were donated to emergency first responders and the Armed Forces of Ukraine to ensure that areas contaminated with unexploded ordnance are correctly labelled and that communities are informed of the hazards.

    ● 10,300+ families affected by active hostilities regained access to adequate housing through the provision of construction materials or cash assistance.

    ● 240,000+ food parcels were provided to hospitals, academic facilities and other social institutions to ensure patients, students and other community members receive meals.

    ● 10,500+ detainees and prisoners of war benefited from improved detention conditions.

    ● 350,000+ vulnerable people received a total of UAH 2.7 billion (CHF 69 million) in cash assistance to help them meet their day-to-day needs, provide for their families and rebuild their lives.

    ● 3,947 families of missing people were provided with an answer on the status of their loved ones.

    To know more on our action in Ukraine in 2023, click here

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