    HomeNewsHuman rights breaches in China, Sudan and Tajikistan | News

    Human rights breaches in China, Sudan and Tajikistan | News

    The ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in China, notably the case of Mr Ding Yuande

    MEPs demand the immediate and unconditional release of Mr Ding Yuande and all Falun Gong practitioners in China. They strongly condemn the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and other minorities, including Uyghurs and Tibetans by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). They call for the PRC to end its domestic and transnational surveillance, control and suppression of religious freedom.

    MEPs call on the EU and member states to support and facilitate an international investigation into the persecution of Falun Gong, and to raise the persecution of religious minorities with the Chinese authorities. Member states should suspend extradition treaties with the PRC, MEPs add, and use national sanctions regimes and the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime (EUGHRSR) against all perpetrators, as well as entities that have contributed to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and abroad.

    MEPs also want EU measures to include visa refusals, the freezing of assets, expulsion from EU territories, criminal prosecution, including on the basis of extraterritorial jurisdiction, and the initiation of international criminal charges against the perpetrators.

    The text was adopted by a show of hands. The full resolution will be available here (18.01.2024).

    The threat of famine following the spread of conflict in Sudan

    MEPs strongly condemn the continuing violence between rival armed factions in Sudan, alongside human rights violations and food insecurity. They call on all parties to the conflict to immediately cease hostilities and facilitate safe and timely humanitarian access for civilians suffering shortages of food, water and fuel and very high prices for essential items .

    They want the UN Security Council to sanction violations of the UN arms embargo on Darfur, and to expand the embargo to the whole of the country.

    The EU and member states should increase emergency funding for the humanitarian response, MEPs add, underlining the need for specific support for survivors of sexual violence, and make use of the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime (EUGHRSR) mechanism against those responsible for human rights violations.

    The text was adopted by a show of hands. The full resolution will be available here (18.01.2024).

    Tajikistan: state repression against the independent media

    MEPS strongly condemn the ongoing crackdown against independent media, government critics, human rights activists and independent lawyers, and the closure of independent media and websites in Tajikistan.

    They urge the authorities to stop persecuting lawyers defending government critics and journalists, immediately and unconditionally release those arbitrarily detained and drop all charges against them, including human rights lawyers Manuchehr Kholiknazarov and Buzurgmehr Yorov.

    Parliament urges the Tajik Government to ensure that detainees have access to adequate health care and calls for a thorough investigation into allegations of mistreatment in custody, and the bringing to justice of those responsible. MEPs insist that the respect for freedom of expression in Tajikistan should be taken into account when assessing the application of the Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP+) and for the negotiations of a new EU-Tajikistan Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. They call on the Commission, the EEAS and the Member States to increase support for civil society, human rights defenders and independent media workers in Tajikistan, including funding.

    The text was adopted 481 votes in favour, 25 against with 26 abstentions. The full resolution will be available here (18.01.2024).


    First published in this link of The European Times.

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