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    EP TODAY | News | European Parliament

    Protecting EU journalists and media freedom

    At around 10.30, Parliament will debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and the Spanish Presidency the Media Freedom Act, which aims to protect EU media from interference and make them more transparent and more economically viable. MEPs will vote on their position for negotiations with the Council at noon. A press conference with rapporteur Sabine Verheyen is scheduled for 13.30.

    Agnese KRIVADE

    (+32) 470 89 01 46


    Revising the EU’s long-term budget and making it future-proof

    At 9.00, plenary will debate with Commissioner Hahn and the Spanish Presidency its position on the reform of the EU’s long-term budget, with MEPs arguing for a topped-up fund capable of tackling today’s challenges and overlapping crises. The vote will take place at noon. EP President Metsola and the rapporteurs will host a press conference after the vote.

    Armin WISDORFF
    (+32) 498 98 13 45

    Debate on relations between the EU and China

    At 15.00, MEPs will question Trade Commissioner Dombrovskis about trade relations with China, following his recent visit to the country and President von der Leyen’s announcement of a new anti-subsidy probe.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    Ten-year anniversary of the Lampedusa tragedy

    Immediately before the voting session, around noon, President Metsola will deliver a statement to plenary to remember the 360 women, men and children who lost their lives trying to reach European soil in a shipwreck off the coast of Lampedusa (Italy) on 3 October 2013, followed by a round of political groups’ speakers.

    Polona TEDESKO
    (+32) 470 88 42 82

    Hearing of Commission Executive Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič

    From 8.30 to 11.30, the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will question Maroš Šefčovič, currently in charge of the “Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight” portfolio at the Commission, following his appointment as Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal. The committees on Industry, Research and Energy, on Transport and Tourism and on Agriculture and Rural Development will participate. If he receives a positive evaluation, confirmed by Parliament’s Conference of Committee Chairs and the Conference of Presidents, the vote on his new responsibilities will take place on Thursday.

    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    Thomas HAAHR
    (+32) 470 88 09 87


    In brief

    Corrupt large-scale sale of Schengen visas At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schinas recent allegations that Polish overseas consulates are accepting bribes in return for issuing Schengen visas, and their impact on the EU’s common visa policy and the Schengen free-travel area.

    Kosovo/Serbia. Following the recent deadly clashes in northern Kosovo, MEPs will discuss relations between Belgrade and Pristina at around 18.30 with Commissioner Lenarčič and deputy Minister for EU Affairs Navarro Ríos for the Spanish Council Presidency. A resolution will be put to the vote during the 16-19 October plenary session.

    Nagorno-Karabakh. At around 16.30, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Kyriakides and deputy Minister for EU Affairs Navarro Ríos for the Spanish Council Presidency the dire situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, following Azerbaijan’s recent military seizure of the enclave. They will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

    Moldova’s path to the EU. Parliament will discuss the latest developments in Moldova at around 17.30 with Commissioner Lenarčič and deputy Minister for EU Affairs Navarro Ríos for the Spanish Council Presidency. In a resolution to be voted on by MEPs on Thursday, they are set to call for the start of EU accession negotiations.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among other issues, on:

    • protecting the EU from economic blackmail by third countries;
    • protection of workers from asbestos;
    • the appointment of the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank; and
    • new Intelligent Road Transport Systems rules.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.
    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

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