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    EP TODAY | News | European Parliament

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here.

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

    New trade tool to defend the EU from economic blackmail

    In the early evening, MEPs will debate with Commissioners Dombrovskis and Schmit new rules to enable the EU to respond with countermeasures if it or a member state experiences economic blackmail by a non-EU country. The final vote on this law will take place on Tuesday.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    Protection of workers from asbestos

    From around 18.00, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Schmit new rules to protect EU workers from the health risks related to asbestos, improve early detection of asbestos and decrease occupational exposure limits of workers to the substance. The final vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Arianne SIKKEN

    (+32) 477 99 19 34

    EP SocialAffairs

    Hearing of Commissioner-designate Wopke Hoekstra

    From 18.30 to 21.30, the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will question Wopke Hoekstra (Netherlands), Commissioner-designate for Climate Action, to assess his suitability to become Commissioner. The committees on Industry, Research and Energy, on Foreign Affairs and on Development will participate. If he receives a positive evaluation, subsequently confirmed by Parliament’s Conference of Committee Chairs and the Conference of Presidents, a plenary vote on his appointment will take place on Thursday.

    Thomas HAAHR
    (+32) 470 88 09 87


    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    Arianne SIKKEN

    (+32) 477 99 19 34

    EP SocialAffairs

    In brief

    Rising precariousness in Europe. After the session opening, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit about providing aid to Europe’s most deprived in the wider context of rising precariousness in Europe.

    Intelligent Road Transport Systems. In the evening, Parliament will debate new intelligent transport systems rules to digitalise the transport sector and ensure data between mobility apps can be shared more widely. The final vote on the legislation will take place on Tuesday.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

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