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    EP TODAY | News | European Parliament

    Better air quality for a cleaner and healthier environment
    Starting at around 14.00, plenary will discuss with Commissioner Sinkevičius a proposal to improve air quality in the EU, ahead of negotiations with the Council. The draft text tabled by the Environment Committee sets stricter 2030 limits and target values for several pollutants to ensure that air quality in the EU is not harmful to human health, natural ecosystems and biodiversity. The vote will take place on Wednesday.

    Thomas HAAHR
    (+32) 470 88 09 87


    Making the EU more resilient to extreme weather
    In a debate at around 9.30, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and deputy minister for EU Affairs Navarro for the Spanish Presidency how to strengthen Europe’s protection measures against extreme heatwaves, floods and forest fires. In the wake of the hottest summer on record, devastating floods and the largest wildfires in history, MEPs are expected to call for increased action to build a more disaster-resilient EU.

    Thomas HAAHR
    (+32) 470 88 09 87


    Ukrainian grain exports and the future of the Black Sea Initiative
    Starting at around 18.00, plenary will discuss the impact of Ukrainian grain exports on EU farmers after Russia’s withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

    Hana RAISSI

    (+32) 484 27 87 54


    Coups d’états in Africa: question time with High Representative Borrell
    From 15.00, MEPs will quiz EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell on the string of coups d’états and other recent and worrisome developments in West and Central Africa.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    Composition of the Parliament

    Following Monday’s vote in the Constitutional Affairs committee, MEPs will discuss from 8.30 the draft Council decision on the composition of the European Parliament for the 2024 European elections, raising the total number of MEPs to 720, from the current 705. Plenary will vote on the proposal on Wednesday.

    Kyriakos KLOSIDIS
    (+32) 470 96 47 35

    In brief

    Vote on Commissioner-designate Iliana Ivanova. At 12.00, MEPs are set to approve the appointment of Iliana Ivanova (Bulgaria) as Commissioner for innovation, research, culture, education and youth.

    Sustainable aviation fuels. Late in the evening, MEPs will debate new rules setting a minimum share of greener jet fuels to be made available at EU airports, to cut emissions from the transport sector. A final vote on the legislation will follow on Wednesday.

    EU cooperation with Tunisia on migration. From around 10.30, plenary will discuss with Commissioner Várhelyi and deputy minister for EU Affairs Navarro for the Spanish Presidency the strategy to strengthen cooperation with Tunisia to manage migration flows.

    Foreign Affairs: Turkey, Belarus, Iran, CELAC. MEPs will debate with Josep Borrell the situation in Iran and the future of relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAC). Later in the evening, they will also review draft reports on Turkey and Belarus, on which plenary will vote on Wednesday.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • a law to boost the use of renewable energy;
    • incentivising joint procurement for defence equipment;
    • new rules for donations and treatments with blood, cells and tissues of human origin;
    • improving the EU’s surface and groundwater quality;
    • new geographical indications for crafts and industrial products.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

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