    HomePoliticsEP Bureau adopts further decisions on strengthening transparency and accountability

    EP Bureau adopts further decisions on strengthening transparency and accountability

    In June 2023, the Bureau of the European Parliament expressed its strong commitment to fully and swiftly implement the reform plan.

    To ensure integrity and accountability, the Bureau has adopted clear regulations regarding the participation of interest representatives in any events held on the premises of the Parliament. This reform plan was approved by the Group leaders of the Parliament and proposed by President Metsola.

    The decision adopted today further strengthens the existing rules. It now mandates that all interest representatives must be registered in the transparency register in order to participate in any events organized by the Parliament bodies or services that take place on the Parliament’s premises. This requirement applies to both invited active guests and co-hosts of events, including those organized jointly with groups and Members. These stricter transparency rules will be applicable to approximately 12,000 additional events per year.

    This decision complements the existing rules that already require the registration of interest representatives in the transparency register to access or be invited to speak at public hearings organized by committees.

    State of play

    Under the reform plan, the Bureau has already implemented a new policy to address the issue of revolving doors. This policy came into effect on May 1, 2023. Additionally, the Bureau made revisions to the rules concerning former Members on April 17, 2023, and the rules regarding access to the Parliaments on May 8, 2023.

    The Institution has strengthened its collaboration with national judicial and law enforcement authorities. Furthermore, Group leaders have clarified the rules governing urgent debates on human rights in plenary sessions, with the aim of direct implementation.

    The Group leaders in the Conference of Presidents have also approved guidelines to support Members of the EP and staff in their interactions with representatives from third countries, including diplomats and state representatives. These guidelines provide clarity on access, missions, and meetings with countries that are subject to EU sanctions, sanctions MEPs, or are involved in ongoing judicial procedures related to the EP.

    Simultaneously, various measures that require changes to the Parliament’s Rules of Procedure are being implemented. Discussions in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) are ongoing in order to facilitate a vote on all the proposed changes during the Plenary in July 2023.

    Efforts are underway to centralize information related to the integrity of parliamentary work, aimed at providing transparent information to the public. The technical implementation of this measure is being carried out by EP services and is expected to be available online in July 2023.

    In addition to these actions, the Parliament is regularly organizing awareness campaigns to educate MEPs and staff about their obligations. So far, over 200 participants have already taken part in these campaigns.

    At its upcoming meeting, the Bureau will address the revision of the internal rules pertaining to whistleblowing.


    This initial set of reforms focuses on enhancing the integrity, independence, and accountability of the Parliament while also safeguarding the freedom of Members to carry out their duties. Furthermore, the Special Committee, which was established in the February plenary (ING2), has put forward other medium and long-term proposals that will be discussed and voted on in July 2023. Additionally, there is a broader reform process underway, initiated by the Conference of Presidents in January 2023, which aims to modernize the ways in which the EP operates in terms of legislation, budgeting, oversight, plenary sessions, and external aspects of its work.

    An overview of the state of play of the reforms is available here.

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